We created
“the most user-friendly site”
by usability service!
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We created
“the most user-friendly site”
by usability service!
by Chiharu Houki From NTT WEST marketing Div.
the industry | telecommunication |
the number of employees | 5100 |
the capital | 312 billion |
the listing | unlisiting |
the sales/y | 1,627 billion |
60,000PV/m at the first month since the site launched
we conduced the launch of this site to suit the user’s business needs from planning to Web design.
The mission of NTT WEST is “to promote the alliance strategy which focused on the movie services “ Moreover, in order to alliance with other company, they have also need to enhance their strength.
From the site user insight, because there area lot of video learning services, its really hard to make them choose this client’s service out of the other options.
・Offer the best contents for each customers as the video concierge site
・Conduct introducing the alliance products and promoting sales of them as the alliance leader
⇒we set the clear guideline to adopt only the selected contents for achieving the purpose
At the time, there are not any contents which enable the customers to compare many companies’ video services with same standards.
So, we classify the information for this contents.
We offered the new points of view such as the regular ones “the price” “ the purpose ” and unique ones “ the video for your commuting time” .
As a result, this site enable the users to compare all video services
we use the usability theory and our accurate knowledge to build the website which the customers can easily find the video out of the huge number of information about the video services.
We started to conduct SEO strategies to rank highly for the term about video before the website launch. Because they needed to get high number of PV to be a alliance driver, we tried really hard to design the effectivekey terms for attracting the potential customers.
The key of SEO success is offering the amount of information to the users in a simple and understandable way.
Building a video service site “fle-pita video concierge site.
Achieve 60000PV/momth at the 1st month since the website released.
I think this is a great number for this website with no access from Felt's top page. The measure for SEO affect greatly.
There are 2 reasons why we decided to establish this site.
The first one is that we need to address the diversified demand of our customers with the Multi-device generation. As the other reason, we want to use the “ hikari BOX” as our strong weapon in our alliance strategy.
For example, we have offered new video services such as “hikari TV”, “U-NEXT”, “HULU "and “skyper!” as the NTT WEST’s commissioned services. As the professional carriers, we must explain about our service to our customer in a understandable way. On the other hand, it is a difficult for employees to explain about these complicated service which changes frequently.
In this situation, we thought it would be meaningful for not only our NTT WEST’s sales employee but also our customers that the users can compare the bunch of video services on the internet.
Furthermore, because the previous service site was just the list of the services, couldn’t allow the customers to weigh each services.
At the time, we had have only the proposal with “Flets hikari”’s 7,5 million members as a competitive weapon for the sales employees in a alliance promotion office. Therefore, in order to get new strong weapon to tie up with other companies, we would come up with establishing the portal site of video service as a strong tool.
Compare with the previous site, the most different point is the range of the covered services such as the wide of genres and the number of posts. New site provides every kinds of committed services in NTT WEST’s video services.
In terms of the explanation of the services and how to show them, it is completely different that the new one offer the comparison of the fee and the contents of 10 companies’ each services from various points of view and provide in a understandable way.
New website enables the customers to compare the merit of all services and the usage of it with thinking their own needs and the use scene.
Of course, it is the biggest different that new site was built from the usability insight.
Yes, we had. At first, we requested for a proposal, and started from the research of the video services. As the result, we realized it is a highly possible that the video service would become the added value to increase ARPU ( the average spending per a customer). It means that the improvement of this video service will eventually contribute to the utilization promotion and maintenance of the hikari service.
However, the term “the video service” doesn't ring any bells with the customers.
Although we have got a lot of proposal for solving this problems from many ad agencies and web design companies, these proposal is just to appeal the customers the benefit of using the services and we couldn’t ask for more.
It was surprising that the contents and the points of view in EC&Marketing’s proposal were completely different for any other proposals. The most amazingly, EC Marketing are having excellent business experiences with a wide range of companies, and they could use it for a proposal or building the system to let the customers take any actions on the website.
Also, it was great that they chose us the best solution to have an affinity for our customers.
To receive such as excellent proposal become the competitive power for new website.
As I mentioned, the most strong reason why we choose EC&marketing as a business partner is that they could give us the excellent ideas which we have never come up with. Although they gave us even the ideas which seems impossible to realize, we could believe what they said because they gave us understandable and passionate explanation in a logical and rational manner. More importantly, Mr. Muroya and Mr. Nakayama ‘s passion for this project would make us believe that we can work together in trustfully.
Yes I have.
I am not sure its appropriate that I say this.. But it was EC&Marketing’s policy. I am interested that they work incredibly hard to pursue the most efficiency way to increase PV or Userbility…and so on.
At the time, we have a stereotype that the website don’t need to be improved once we made it but, as the project proceeds we became excited more and more and think what can we do next by using this website because they gave us a systematically explanation of whole web promotion. Therefore, we are very impressed that they always suggest us the concrete example and simulation of the potential values.
We really appreciate that they could share with them the moment when we could finally launch the new site “Furepita-site” and they are pleased with that. In addition, we are also grateful that they could work with us and understand NTT WEST’s various restriction. They make us feel that we will never give up from now on. We want to work together again and soon.
We want you to be a business partner who can make things change possible.