CRM the repeating rate improvement

Make your email marketing a strong tool and maximize the repeating rate and the unit payment per a customer

the depression is not the only reason of decreasing the repeating rate on Ecommerce site.
, CRM: improvement service for increasing the number of repeat customers (mail marketing)
This depression is not only one reason that your customers don’t come back to your website. Since it’s a recession, we must proactively understand the trend of the customers and deal with it.
We ECMarketing grasp the customers and their mind when they use the website by 3 dimension (quantitative/qualitative/human engineering) and
pursue the bests CRM solution. Our CRM solution is not a ordinary CRM solution which based on the data mining at all ,but the comprehensive solution with supporting from planning to operating.

1. marketing based on well-understanding of buying behavior of the customers

Are you using the business depression as a excuse for decreasing the repeat rate ?

If many of your customers do not to come back any more, which means the customer’s mind changed now and you need to update the solution for it.
Then, Why did their mind change?
What are they thinking about?
In order to achieve the CRM mail marketing’s success, sending the mail to registered customers is not enough. These above question are the key to make your CRM strategy work successsully.

2. the end of data mining

there is the fact that if you understand the data minig, you cant improve the repeating rate.

RFM analysis, Response analysis, The statistical analysis…
Although there are already several methods to analyze the data for CRM marketing, many of you in web marketing have arelady knew that the data minig method cant improve the repeat rate by itself.
EC&Marketing could customize the best CRM solution for your company while considering the analyzed data, planning, operating.
we think that the data mining affect 25% of the whole repeat sales. The rest 75 % is consist of the data-based planning (25%) and operating(50%). By conducting all of them consistently, we could maximize the repeat rate.
CRM mail marketing is depend on the ability to proceed the project. EC& Marketing supports your operating field and contribute to boost your online sales.

3. What should we do to increase the repeat rate?

The key is CRM (offering the hospitality) to make the customer’s surprised and happier.

“What should we do to make the visitors come back?”
There are a lot of CRM strategies which based on the company oriented.
We will offer the CRM Mail solution from the customer insight to move the customer’s mind.

This service would be suitable if you have a trouble such as…

1the sales from new customer remains flat and want to enforce CRM

2the response of mail marketing is not going well

3want to develop the product strategy to increase the cost per one customer

4want to evaluate ROI of web promotion

5we are planning to enforce CRM

In order to improve the sales of Ecommerce business, its necessary to have a know-how and success experiences. Its not impossible to increase your sales from the existing customers. There are a pattern for success which can’t get without experiencing in the Ecommerce field.

Service provides image

1KPI analysis

Increase sales =the number of customers * sales per customer * the repeat rate
Based on the above formula,
we will analyze KPI and set the goal of your CRM strategy.
To put several KPI in order, it will be easier for you to proceed the project smoothly.

2create the customer loyalty program

We will design the program to create the high customer loyalty.
Based on analyzing the repeating customer’s psychology, design the devicia to increase customer loyalty. This is

3Design the sales promotion & Support the operation

We design the effective sales promotion for the target users.
With using PDCA cycle, we offer a comprehensive service from planning to operating, which is suitable to your companies situation.
The key to success online business is based on on-site competence.

4Repeat-purchase Analysis

we analyze how the user purchase the products from 3demention( qualitative, quantitative, human science) to increase the accuracy of the product strategy, new product strategy and stock forecast.

5LTV analysis of web advertising for new customer acquisition

We evaluate ROI of advertising based on the LTV. We don’t focus on the short-time ROI but long time(3month~one year)value.

the image of delivered

Promotion efficiency maximize solution success case study

BtoC cosmetic company

・Increase the repeat rate 4% at 6th month
・improve the cancel rate of regular purchase 4.6% and the number of return 2.2%

Our offered service

6month program offeringsKPI analysis and CRM strategy planning
6month program offeringsmail magazine improvement, and web design direction
6month program offeringsdesigning the effect verification and data analysis

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