Service industry

maximize the sales effect and increase the sales 3 times/m

Offered service

  • Web promotion
  • CVR improvement
  • CRM improvement
  • web design

Our client profile

the websiteBtoB information system service
target usersmall-medium sized enterprises with store in local area
the scale of companyabout one billion per year
the project periodcurrently in progress

The problems

・the website had been being for only introduction of the service
・it necessary to redesign the website based on the strategy with consideration of the sales process

About Consulting

Access log analysis/accessibility/ userbility ⇒ identify the present problems on website

・website design improvement
・SEO (Search engine optimization)
・EFO (Entry form optimization)
・making a guideline of operation

Heurisutic Evaluation sheet

Userbility improvement instruction

Problem management sheet

Abandonment analysis sheet

The result

The Access from Search engine

228% up
※ranked 1~3th on yahoo/google by big words

The number of ordering service

219% up

The abandonment rate of ordering form

29% down

our client’s comment

We were planning to focus on the only online channel by reducing the sales power. However, we can succeed to expand our business as a result of increasing the online sales. To segment the customer and make a individual contents fro each segmentation, which is the key to increase the online sales.

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